Environment & Community

Environmental Management

Sustainability and respect for the environment and our community are always a priority at Broken Head Quarry.

The quarry business and the wider community are very reliant on the effective management by our team of several factors that influence the environment. These factors include water, air and noise management, flora and fauna management, weed control, pest control and rehabilitation. Details of our most recent performance in managing these matters can be found in the current EMR Report which is available through this page by following the link above.

We obtain samples from all water discharge occurences from site which are sent for independant analysis and reporting. Similarly, we provide air samples for independant testing on a monthly or 2 monthly basis. Results of water and dust tests since July 2008 are available through this page by following the link above. 

Other various environmental information and reports can be veiwed by pressing the relevant links above including:

- Environmental Protection Authoriity ("EPA");
- Environmental Management Reports ("EMR Reports");
- Ecological Reports (Flora, Fauna and Rehabilitation);
- Environmental Testing (Water & Air);    

Community Engagement

The development approval for the current operation recommended the establishment of a community based committee to be represented by 2 Council members, 2 community members and 2 members of the quarry operating company. 

The purpose of the committee was to monitor compliance with the conditions of consent, establish a complaints conflict resolution process and seek technical advice from time to time in 
understanding relevant processes and operational matters.

We have included through the link above details of the current status of this community engagement.
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